Latest generation Endodontis treatments represent the starting point in assuring the success of long tern tooth biological functioning and in patient’s lack of pain…

“Beyond” whitening accelerator, the most advanced whitening device produced by the world leader in professional teeth whitening ( is available for City Dent clients. In just 40 minutes to 1 hour, teeth decolouring intervened over many years can be completely removed…

With the help of pH/ acidity tests we can find out more about the patients cavity risk. The acidity level of the saliva and the bacterial plaque is directly proportional with cavity risk (the more acidic the pH is, the more possible cavities are by enamel demineralization)…

City Dent has decided, as well as the top dental clinics in Europe and the United States, to replace the classic film radiology with the digital one which presents a series of advantages. The most important one is that the quantity of X-rays to which the patient is exposed is reduced by up to 90%…

The advantage of the dual ultrasonic system used both in surgery and microscopic endodontics is that it offers the means of connecting two hand pieces (by immediate piece recognition) and makes treatment possible without affecting the soft tissue…

The five Sirona C4 and C8 dental chairs we own are recognised both for the incorporated latest generation German technology and the quality of dental services they allow our doctors to perform…

In a time when the Romanian medical system is confronted with an alarming increase in patients’ medical complications as a consequence of using unsterilized or insufficiently sterilised equipment during treatment, City Dent has as primary goal total reduction of contamination risk for its patients…