Latest generation Endodontis treatments represent the starting point in assuring the success of long tern tooth biological functioning and in patient’s lack of pain. High tech equipments add to the endodont specialist’s in depth medical knowledge. Currently, top world dentists agree microscope endodontic treatments maximize long term patient’s benefits.
You can only treat what you can see!
Most of the time, teeth who need endodontic treatment can represent a base for various prosthetic restorations which imply particular esthetic demands. Even so, in the current endodontic practice dentists deal with an increasing series of challenges which are mainly caused by numerous root canal anatomical variations. A great part of them can’t be identified using a classic endododntic treatment evaluation. This is the reason why unsuccesses are frequent in surgical and non surgical classic endododntic treatments. The fact that the dental microscope offers endodontic doctors the ability to…
…inspect in detail dental canals, fundamentally changed our understanding regarding dental morphology and its complexity. At the same time, it reduced the discrepancy between the initial prognostics and reality. This way the success rates are increased in cases that in the past only had extraction as therapy option. Amongst the benefits offered by dental microscope we remind you of:
Improved dental quality
Various global developed studies showed that the technique used in under microscope treatment is superior to that used in traditional treatments. Therapy ergonomics is improved both for the dentist and the patient.
City Dent, true to it’s creed to offer the best dental technology to it’s patients, purchased the newest dental microscope model from Zeiss, Pico Mora. This device magnifies the work area up to 20 times, allowing the endodontics specialist to treat the most complex and complicated dental situations.
A better visualization
Solving specialty or unique treatment situations in a more efficient and accurate way is possible due to the tooth image magnification and work place coaxial lighting. Dentists will be able to observe in detail the root canal, it’s possible problems and successfully treat them.